The role of traditional healers in the prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections.

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Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
The main aim of this study was to explore the role of traditional healers (TH) in the prevention and management of STI's. The study objectives included: to assess the level of knowledge of traditional healers on the common sexually transmitted infections (STI) and their symptoms, causes of STI and ways of STI transmission; to determine the medicinal plants herbalists use in treating STIs; to assess herbalists' perceptions towards modern medicine and lastly, to determine the challenges TH face when dealing with STI patients. The study used a qualitative descriptive design. It was conducted at Chinsapo TH Research Centre, in Lilongwe district and consisted of ten traditional healers selected through convenient sampling. Then data was analyzed using content analysis. The results have shown that TH did not acquire their knowledge of becoming TH through learning. Although most of TH have shown knowledge on causes of ST I, transmission and prevention, they do not know the management of STI and hence this enhances spread of STI and increases risk of complications. The results have also indicated that there is no collaboration between health workers and TH leading to poor management of these STI patients. However, it is interesting to know that all the TH are willing to work hand in hand with health workers. Therefore, there is need to integrate traditional healers into the health system and improve collaboration between health workers and TH to enhance proper management of STI.