Factors influencing abscondment at Moyo nutrition rehabilitation unit.

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Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
This was a qualitative research study whose purpose was to explore on factors that influence guardian abscondment at NRU's. Most of the guardians who abscond from NRU's abscond with their undernourished children. They end up coming back with their undernourished children either severely ill or dead. This study was therefore expected to answer this question: What factors influence guardian abscondment at Moyo House NRU at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre. The study was conducted at Moyo House NRU at Queen Elizabeth in Blantyre. The sample size was 20 women. Data was collected through group discussions using focus group discussions guide. There were two groups of discussion where one had 12 women and the other one had 8 women. Men were not included in the two group discussions due to the fact that there were no men as guardians during the period the researcher was collecting data. Data was then analysed using thematic content analysis. The findings indicated that guardians are influenced to abscond from NRU's due to their belief in efficacy of traditional medicine hence prefer going to traditional healers. Also due to lack of knowledge on their children conditions in that they think malnutrition is not a serious condition, and finally guardian abscondment at NRU's is influenced by health personnel when they show little attention to care for the undernourished children when they come to the hospital. Health personnel also influence guardian abscondment if they do not explain to the guardians why they perform some activities they do to their undernourished children while at the NRCJ. For instance, when they want to administer oxygen to the undernourished children or when they want to test the undernourished children for HIV. The researcher therefore recommended that health personnel should be explaining to the guardians when admitting their undernourished children to the NRCJ on the condition of their undernourished children and the treatment of the undernourished children. The health personnel also need to explain to the guardians what they expect from them while at NRU. Finally health personnel need to explain to the guardians on anything they will be doing to the undernourished children while at NRCJ.