Factors contributing to delay in reporting to labour ward amongst waiting high-risk antenatal mothers at Mzuzu central hospital

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Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
This qualitative descriptive study was conducted at Mzuzu Central Hospital to determine the factors that contribute to delays in reporting to labour ward amongst waiting high-risk antenatal mothers. Specifically, the areas of interest were to; determine knowledge of waiting high- risk antenatal mothers on the signs of labour, determine the knowledge that waiting high-risk antenatal mothers have on the dangers associated with delay in reporting to the labour ward during the intra-partal period, examine attitudes of waiting high-risk antenatal mothers towards maternal care during the intra-partal period, and identify measures that would help reduce delays in reporting to labour ward by waiting high-risk antenatal mothers. Qualitative approach was used. A sample of 10 waiting high-risk antenatal mothers were selected using convenience sampling. Data was collected face-to-face interviews using semi-structured interview guide. Data analysis was done manually using content analysis technique. The findings indicated that the subjects lacked knowledge on the dangers associated with delays in reporting to labour ward, and were dissatisfied with the maternal care provided during intra-partum period. The results will help health workers improve maternal care during intra-partum period and assist policy making at the hospital level to prevent maternal and perinatal mortality due to hospital and client factors.