Knowledge and practice among youth men towards testicular self examination at Kamuzu Central Hospital

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Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
Testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer among young men aged20-40 years. Testicular cancer is rare accounting for less than 1% of all cancers it is the most common type of cancer in young men. The purpose of this study was to find out the knowledge and practices among young men towards testicular self examination at Kamuzu college of nursing. The sample was selected using convenient sampling; the data was collected using questionnaires which contained open and closed ended questions. Data was analyzed manually and results presented using tables and graphs. The findings of the study have revealed that almost half of the participants had knowledge about testicular cancer that is 56.6% (n=17) of them reported to have knowledge about testicular 1 cancer, 43% did not have any knowledge. On source of information out of the 56.6% (n=17) who had knowledge 11.7% (n—2) heard it from the media, 29.4% (n=5) from health workers, 17.6% from their peers and lastly 41.1 % (n=7) from medical surgical nursing books. On knowledge about testicular self examination 46.6 %( n=) had knowledge whilst 53.6% (n=) did not had any knowledge. Out of the 30 subjects 33% (n=10) reported to have performed testicular self examination at some point in their life while 66.6% (n=20) had never performed it. Of the 33.3 %( n—10) who performed only 30% (n—3) mentioned the recommended time which is once a month. The factors that were reported to hinder the performance included lack of knowledge and skills on how to perform testicular self examination and also lack of knowledge that they are in the age group that is at risk of this condition.